
Chapter 16: International Extradition, International Practitioner's Deskbook Series: International Litigation Strategies and Practice, 3rd Edition, American Bar Association

July 5, 2023
Nina Marino and Jennifer Lieser
International Ligitation Book

This singular text covers in detail the practical skills and strategies required for a practitioner to succeed in the distinctive practice area of international litigation.

International Litigation Strategies and Practice, Third Edition, is intended as a helpful desk reference for practitioners, both those steeped in international practice and those who have only occasional exposure to the field. It assists them in navigating complex and evolving subject areas, spotting issues, and developing strategies and approaches for effective client representation.

This updated and expanded edition provides practitioners with practical skills in important facets of international litigation, including approaches and techniques that often make the difference between effective strategy and wasted effort. It also guides readers to a working understanding of principles and precedents in various aspects of the ever-changing substantive law in international disputes, proceedings, and investigations.

Table of Contents:

  1. Finding the Right Lawyer for the Job Overseas, Raquel A. Rodriguez
  2. Communicating Effectively with Foreign Clients and Lawyers, Barton Legum
  3. Litigation in the Civil Law and the Common Law: The Basics, George A. Bermann
  4. Transnational Litigation and Professional Ethics, Catherine Rogers
  5. Introducing Foreign Clients to U.S. Civil Litigation, Donald Francis Donovan, Guilherme Recena Costa, Laura Sinisterra, and Justin R. Rassi
  6. Finishing before You Start: International Mediation, Michael McIlwrath and Elpidio Villarreal
  7. Where to Sue: Finding the Most Effective Forum in the World, Louise Ellen Teitz
  8. Provisional Measures in Cross-Border Cases, Jonathan I. Blackman
  9. Foreign Antisuit Injunctions, José I. Astigarraga and Sujey Herrera
  10. Twelve Rules for Obtaining Evidence from Abroad, Glenn P. Hendrix
  11. A Practitioner’s Guide to Enforcement of Foreign Country Money Judgments in the United States, Edward H. Davis Jr. and Christopher A. Noel
  12. When to Arbitrate Rather Than Litigate, Carolyn B. Lamm and Eckhard R. Hellbeck
  13. International Commercial Arbitration: A Primer for U.S. Litigators, David W. Rivkin, Christopher K. Tahbaz, and Dietmar W. Prager
  14. Investment Treaty Arbitration: An Option Not to Be Overlooked, Barton Legum
  15. Suing for Torture, Beth Stephens
  16. International Extradition, Nina Marino and Jennifer Lieser
  17. Attorney-Client Privilege in the International Sphere, Ethan Berghoff and Matthew Thomas
  18. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: An Overview, Theodore Edelman and Alana M. Longmoore
  19. Practice before the International Court of Justice, Dr. Pieter H. F. Bekker
  20. Litigation in the European Court of Human Rights, Helen Mountfield, KC
  21. Twenty Years of the International Criminal Court, David Stoelting

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Found in Featured Publications, Jennifer Lieser, Nina Marino.