
Women Criminal Defense Attorneys: Nina Marino on Cover of Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine

March 25, 2018

Nina Marino, who we have previously interviewed here, is on the cover of the Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine this month with Blithe Leece, who is Of Counsel with Marino’s firm. The two women are highlighted as they take up the cause of educating lawyers about the dangers of public corruption prosecutions under the California Penal Code. It’s a comprehensive review of the types of prosecutions that are increasing for public officials and those responsible for public monies in California. They correctly advise that “[f]or any client who sits on a board of directors for a company receiving public funds, the best advice is to know what is going on, ask questions, and maintain records of activities.” The cover article is titled The Accidental Defendant and is worth a read whether or not you practice in California.

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Found in Media Mentions, Nina Marino.