Nina Marino Co-Hosts with Joe Whitley ABA “White Collar Talks” Podcast
When the American Bar Association needed a new co-host for their white collar crime podcast, they turned to Womble Bond Dickinson Partner Joe Whitley.
Whitley, the leader of WBD’s WBD (US) White-Collar Defense, Investigations, and Regulatory Enforcement Team, is co-hosting the “White Collar Talks with Nina and Joe” podcast with Nina Marino, a founding partner of Kaplan Marino PC. On each episode, Whitley and Marino will discuss hot topics and emerging trends in government investigations and enforcement.
“White Collar Talks with Nina and Joe” is the latest version of the ABA Criminal Justice Section’s JustPod, a podcast series focused on current issues in criminal justice reform, policy and the Supreme Court.
Found in Nina Marino, Podcasts, White-Collar Crime.