Featured Publications

Chapter 16: International Extradition, International Practitioner's Deskbook Series: International Litigation Strategies and Practice, 3rd Edition, American Bar Association
Jul 5, 2023

This singular text covers in detail the practical skills and strategies required for a practitioner to succeed in the distinctive practice area of international litigation.International Litigation Strategies and Practice, Third Edition, is intended as a helpful desk reference for practitioners, both those steeped in international practice and those who have...

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Change is Coming, Daily Journal
Jun 6, 2020

Nina Marino, white-collar criminal defense attorney of Kaplan Marino discusses her time as a defense attorney during the Rodney King riots and reflects on the similarities and differences of the riots happening today.

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The Dark Side of Bitcoin, Los Angeles Lawyer
Sep 1, 2018

[T]here is something special about Bitcoin that makes it inherently resistant to government control. It is built on code. It lives in the cloud. It is globalized and detached from the nation state, has no…institutional owner, operates peer to peer, and its transactions are inherently pseudonymous. It cannot be regulated...

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Wanted By Interpol, ABA Criminal Justice Magazine
Sep 1, 2018

Strategic Thinking about Red Notcies, Diffusions, and Extradition[T]his power had to be given the instrument of permanent, exhaustive, omnipresent surveillance, capable of making all visible. . . . It had to be like a faceless gaze that transformed the whole social body into a field of perception: thousands of eyes posted everywhere.Michel Foucault,...

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