As the DOJ cracks down on U.S. distribution of fake telemedicine, a variety of global efforts are also aimed at detection and prosecution of entities engaged in this dangerous illegal activity.
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This singular text covers in detail the practical skills and strategies required for a practitioner to succeed in the distinctive practice area of international litigation.International Litigation Strategies and Practice, Third Edition, is intended as a helpful desk reference for practitioners, both those steeped in international practice and those who have...
Nina Marino, white-collar criminal defense attorney of Kaplan Marino discusses her time as a defense attorney during the Rodney King riots and reflects on the similarities and differences of the riots happening today.
A defense attorney has been contacted to represent a U.S. citizen who is the subject of a Peruvian inter• national request for extradition. The request isbased on the Peruvian equivalent of a first-degree murder charge for the killing of a former Peruvian political figure in the United States 20 years...
[T]here is something special about Bitcoin that makes it inherently resistant to government control. It is built on code. It lives in the cloud. It is globalized and detached from the nation state, has no…institutional owner, operates peer to peer, and its transactions are inherently pseudonymous. It cannot be regulated...
Strategic Thinking about Red Notcies, Diffusions, and Extradition[T]his power had to be given the instrument of permanent, exhaustive, omnipresent surveillance, capable of making all visible. . . . It had to be like a faceless gaze that transformed the whole social body into a field of perception: thousands of eyes posted everywhere.Michel Foucault,...
Every year around this time, the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General announce the results of their national health care fraud takedown. This year was the largest to date.
Attorney General Sessions Made Remarks to Law Enforcement About the Opioid Epidemic in Harrisburg, PA on Friday. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery.
On October 5, 2017, the Los Angeles Chapter of the Federal Bar Association held its 35th annual lunch in recognition of the five Judge Barry Russell Federal Practice Award recipients from local law schools; the event also included the swearing-in of the new FBA-LA officers and Board of Directors, and...
The radical shift in focus of the Department of Justice compounded by the Trump administration’s 2018 budget cuts indicates drastic changes for the prosecution of white collar crimes.